
This Month's Garden Tip

This Month's Garden Tip

Garden tip of the month!

Frangipani or Plumeria is an extremely popular tree in Thailand. They are among the easiest of plants to grow if you give plenty of direct sunlight. The Frangipani like no other plant will give your garden an exotic and tropical feeling. A healthy frangipani will give you beautiful flowers all year long. The most common are white, red, pink and yellow but you can also find them in a nice sunset color.

Home Quarantine Guidelines

We have gathered some useful information on How to Self Quarantine and what to do if you and/or your family need to be confined at home.

We hope these are useful to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Self Quarantine Guidelines
Points to note for Home Confinees
Points to note for Household Members
How to monitor symptoms during Self Quarantine
How to wear a Mask
Social Distancing

Other useful links: